July 2019 JLPT – First Impressions

July 2019 JLPT – First Impressions post image

This was the first chance in 2019 for you to take the JLPT. This test is generally conducted at fewer sites than the main December test, but if you live in a big city or in most of Asia, you should have been able to have a chance at this one. I hope the weather treated you well. It can sometimes be very hot and humid at test locations.

A year ago, I let everyone know that I’ve been working on the JLPT Study Guide for the N5. At that time, I was fairly confident that we would be able to get it out at the end of last year. Well, it took yet another 8 months to refine everything and get the whole book edited and ready to print. It has been a lengthy process to say the least, but I’m glad we spent so long on it, because it will be a fabulous all-inclusive book once it arrives.

I hope that your studies have really been paying off as well. How did the JLPT treat you this time? I’d like to know in the comments what your experiences were. Where did you take the test? What level did you take? Were there any tough questions that stuck out? This is a great opportunity to share your studies and help out some of the other students studying for the exam, so be sure to leave me a comment below.


Generally speaking, results are usually available starting the second to last Tuesday of August (the 20th). If you registered for the test online in Japan, you’ll be able to see the results after the stroke of midnight on the 19th. If you registered to take the test in other locations, the results become available online around Thursday. Your certificates are then mailed out the following week, so they will probably arrive late August or early September depending on where you took the test.

Take a moment now to share your experience with the test below, I’d love to hear from you all!

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  • Steph July 8, 2019, 12:29 pm

    I had no problem with the listening and reading sections, but language knowledge is my weakness because my grammar is not what it should be. I hope I passed, but all it takes is one little “C” under grammar and I’ll have to take it again in December…

    • Clayton MacKnight July 9, 2019, 12:30 am

      Did you feel like the grammar points they went over in the language knowledge section weren’t the ones in the grammar textbooks?

      • Steph July 9, 2019, 1:43 pm

        Yes, some of them were unfamiliar even though I did the Shin Kanzen Master books for N2 and a grammar Power Drill book. Also I was midly nervous that I felt like I had selected 1 and 4 on the answer sheet much more often than 2 and 3. Idk if they would lay out the answers that way to throw people off or what…

        • Clayton MacKnight July 9, 2019, 11:43 pm

          Well, in theory, a professional test like this would randomly assign correct answers, but you never know. Interesting to hear about the grammar questions though. It seems like they are moving away from straight up grammar questions and trying their best to ask questions that you can’t just drill and get right. The Shin Kanzen Master series is generally pretty good, though.

  • Kirill July 8, 2019, 12:50 pm

    Took N5 test in Moscow. It was my first JLPT ever and I think it went pretty well. I knew that you need to hurry and answer each question quick but still barely made it in time at first section.
    The most difficult part for me was grammar questions where you need to “build” a sentence. Despite my best efforts I probably failed most of them(
    I slightly worried about Listening section, but it was actually quite easy. However there were few people who doesn’t know that you have to fill in the answer sheet WHILE listening to audio and you won’t have any extra time after it finishes playing. Gladly I was aware of that fact.

    For the exam I mostly just practiced using sample exams and also used TRY N5 book to review main grammar points a week before the test of so.

    • Clayton MacKnight July 9, 2019, 12:34 am

      I thought they usually reminded people that there is no extra time after the listening, but the instructions are different at each testing location. Interesting to know that they have the July test in Moscow though. Be sure to let us know your results.

  • Estevan Martinez July 9, 2019, 3:54 am

    This was my third time taking the N2. I actually finished early this time and had time to review a lot of my answers. I did change a few, and in retrospect I’m scared I might have answered correctly the first time lol. I flew through the vocab, except the last part there were like 2 words I wasn’t familiar with. Grammar felt ok, a little too easy actually, that’s why I went back and reviewed questions; it was either too easy cuz i failed miserably or cuz I actually knew the material well enough to pass lol. Reading, i had to strategize and break my habit of reading entire passages then answering questions. Instead i read the entire question and answers, then scanned the passage for those answers. I used that while reviewing the Kanzen Master reading book and my scores in that book improved. Listening was tough, i didn’t have any food during the break, so focusing was hard on an empty stomach…

    As far as test prep: this time I stuck to reviewing flash cards daily using iKnow, reviewed SKM Grammar and reading, and I went through ASK publishing’s power drill books for grammar and vocab pretty much daily a few weeks out from the test, but i missed the last 2 wks due to traveling and being in a bodybuilding competition lol. I also read Ryukyu Shimpo online daily (i live in okinawa) and these past few months I’ve got into the habit of watching the news every morning…. I feel pretty confident this is the year that i passed it lol

    • Clayton MacKnight July 9, 2019, 11:45 pm

      Do you think watching the news really helped you out? Was the vocabulary useful to know?

      • Estevan Martinez July 17, 2019, 12:06 am

        Yea, just knowing a lot of words in context made things feel a lot easier i think… I still read the paper online, i kinda made it a habit, and yea, my TV turns on every morning at 5am so i gotta get up and as im getting ready i still listen and try to catch new words or solidify the ones i already know….

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